Thursday, December 8, 2011

the makers

we are the Colombo Artists' Cooperative. it is our baby and our brain child.

we're lovers of words, pictures, music and have always been constantly inspired by colombo. colombo in all its gritty glory is the one constant in our lives, and we just can't get enough!

as an homage to our home and our muse, we decided to name our venture after it. the Colombo Artists' Cooperative is a place where artists, writers and designers can come together to sell and exhibit their work in new and accessible ways.

our main objective is to make art accessible to the masses. in Sri Lanka where we have an abundance of creativity and endless inspiration, possession and appreciation of art is still limited to a few elite individuals.

as an average pair with monthly wages, we understand how expensive it is to own something beautiful when everything you earn is spent on essentials. so the Colombo Aritsts Cooperative is a project to make sure that even the most impoverished art lover will have access to art through a series of postcards, greeting cards, stationary and posters as well as original pieces, if one feels like splurging.

we source and print the art you see through us, and all the artists we represent are the owners of their work. we're just the vehicle that brings them to you.

we're always looking for talented and new writers, artists and designers that we can work with to make this venture successful. so if you have any questions or would to like to join the cooperative (or know someone that does) please write to us at or

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